Finnish Commemorative 2019

Details relating to the Finnish Commemorative of 2019.

Issue Date: 12.11.2019

Number Minted: 500,000

Mint: Mint of Finland Ltd.

Mint Mark : Lion.

This coin icommemorates the seperation of the powers of government into three parts - the legislature, the executive, and  the judiciary.

This is symbolically and effectively represented in the coins motif which shows three equal bubbles that overlap. The designer is Dario Vidal.

Those of a scientific turn of mind, might find the following interesting.

If three soap bubbles join then they meet at an angle of 120 °. This is the case the surface tension is the same in each of the surfaces. (3x120=360).

The year of issue (2019) is shown between nine and teno'clock ans the mint mark and country designation (FI) can be seen below between five and six o'clock.

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